Ecclesiastical matters in NAPLES


Getting married in NAPLES

Getting married among palm trees on the beach - what could be better? When planning this in NAPLES, you should inform yourself very well - you should put everything in solid hands.
From this link you can get reliable information: Die Deutsche Vertretung in den USA.
The following link shows you how you can get in touch with our pastor MICHAEL (Protestant). Of course, he also performs marriage ceremonies of other denominations. And the good thing is - he speaks German - or rather Swabian. As usual in America, MICHAEL DELONG has several professions:


Firstly, MICHAEL DELONG performs every third Sunday of the month a SERVICE in GERMAN. Where? In the GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH at 3 p.m. Since this is unique in Naples, of course, Catholics are also invited. They actually appear more numerous. Then - at 4 p.m. - the parish meet in the fellowship hall for coffee and cake.

REALTOR - he speaks German

MICHAEL DELONGS second job is Realtor - you can reach him here: MICHAEL DELONG. If you need his phone number, please send us a mail.

REALTOR - she speaks German

If you do not need spiritual help - just looking for a Realtor, then MARIA BOCKIUS would be the right person, you can give full confidence. Her telephone number is: 239-298-9282.

  Status: SEP 2015